School Advocacy

Be proactive...

Don’t wait until your district is reacting to a suicide. 

Prevent tragedy Through ensuring YOUR school is keeping ALL kids safe! Be sure to scroll down to find helpful links for Educators, students and parents


Although we all experience or observe forms of bullying on a daily basis, and which is so prevalent in our culture, our schools are a place we can make a difference. Like many teachers, I noticed a marked decrease in empathy in my students and an increase in bullying, over the three years I was teaching. My school was not an exception. This is a huge problem across the nation. Collectively we have a cultural problem of bullying (especially on social media) and of discrimination - in all of its harmful forms. However, in our schools we have an opportunity to make this different. Through our schools and our classrooms we can foster kindness and empathy.

Accountability is needed from the upper levels of the State Office of Education. Currently, in states such as Utah,  it doesn’t exist and is a situation of voluntary compliance. This means that in many states they are not doing enough to protect ALL students. Find out what your state stats are for bullying and suicide, as well as the state requirements. This information is needed to determine where change needs to happen. Scroll down to Steps For Creating Change in Your School. 

Real change must also happen at the state school board level - go to the State Advocacy link to learn  more!

The following are steps are designed to help you in creating change in your school district. Some state laws make elements of the Necessary Components impossible… for instance, in Texas, it is illegal to have mental health therapists in schools (or was at the time of writing this). Many laws are biased and rooted in lack of knowledge, or in willful ignorance of evidence and information. Together we must demand that the safety of ALL of our students in our schools… this requires a thorough examination of the laws and policies in place, in every state and in every school.

Many people, who are in positions of power, do not want to face the data. Truly safe schools for ALL requires leaders that are willing to embrace the difficult and often challenging dialogue around issues the data. This is particularly true regarding the compounded risks faced by LGBTQIA youth. We can’t avoid this dialogue. Avoidance is one reason why our youth suicide rates are climbing across the nation; which is especially true in states most resistant to facing what the data tells us. If your state or school is resistant to gathering data (it is quite easy to do anonymously), educate them about how important data is to find solutions and the risks of ignoring it or dismissing it.  A thorough look at the data is required if we truly want to know and address how kids are feeling and what they are experiencing.

For specific ways TEACHERS can work to promote change in their classrooms and schools, go to the bottom of the solutions page. 


Step 1: Educate Yourself

 The links on the data page offer critical information which you will need to effectively evaluate your school and request change in your schools if needed. It is extremely common for schools to need to make change. Quite rare if they don't and quite likely they may have something helpful in place, yet may not be implementing it effectively or successfully. Every school can do better and should always be striving for that. Especially when it comes to keeping ALL students safe. 

Go to the DATA page to educate yourself about the situation faced by LGBTQIA youth in schools. 

ALL links an be found there. There are many but the data and the solutions contained within them are crucial to success.

Step 2 : Gather information

 Go to your school district website. Look for the following: 

**NOTE: If you can’t find these, call your district and ask where they can be found. ** 

Call your district and ask about: 

 **ACCESSIBILITY is important if a district is transparent and open about what is happening. If you have trouble accessing the information ask for help with accessibility, or encourage your school to make this information more easily accessible on their website. 

Step 3: Review data - determine strengths/weaknesses


In reviewing the above policies and practices, determine if they contain the Necessary Components and how they compare with the links in the data. Are they using recommended policies and practices? Are they surveying students anonymously to determine the local school culture? If so what are they doing with this information? How are they responding? Are they incorporating mindfulness or Resorative Justice Programs? Do teachers get regularly trained on bullying and suicide prevention practices that are up to date with newest standards for efficacy? Is the training live or online? Do they have licensed therapists in each school? How are schools holding all staff accountable for non-discrimination and for how they respond to and handle bullying when they see it? Those are just a few of the questions which can be fostered by comparing with the Necessary Components list. 


If they are not implementing them, talk with school board members and ask them to adopt and incorporate them. After comparing with the best practices outlined, ask them to adopt where lacking. Utilize the resources on the DATA page to educate your school administration and school board. 


Emphasize that the Necessary Components are critical to keeping ALL students safe. Until these are included and successfully being practiced, students are not safe, especially ANY marginalized students.

Step 4: Demonstrate the NEED - Ask victims to share their story






Step 5: Find others who care/work together for change






Step 6: Peer to Peer support groups and campaigns




Step 7:  Make support visible to students


If no GSAs (Gay/Straight Alliances) exist in your school - ask the school to start them. Also, ensure that LGBTQ+ school staff feel safe to be out and visible. Students need to see role models in schools. 


** GSAs give hope and empowerment to LGBTQIA youth **



This site offers a wide variety of resources that serve to connect African Americans with financial assistance. This may be a good place to find assistance for legal help if you are struggling with your school and discrimination of any kind, or for mental health access. 

Training for Schools:




​Mindfulness programs are proven to be beneficial to everyone. In schools they effectively reduce bullying and many other behavioral issues. In addition they are a critical part of improving school cultures, fostering greater self awareness, respect, responsibility, kindness, managing stress and resiliency. Being tied to understanding our emotions and the brain, they are easily supported and imbedded in cross-curriculum content such as science class. This company offers excellent training and support services at a price that is feasible. MindUP

The Trevor Project:

This is an organization doing critical work in suicide prevention specifically for LGBTQIA youth. 

CARE Training – The Trevor Project

Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network

This is the best site for data, information, policies, surveys and many other tools for schools, students and parents. ALL schools should be heavily utilizing this resource.

Educator Resources

Grey Matter Consulting

Offers inclusive and effective consulting/training/educating for businesses, schools, organizations, and communities. 

ABOUT | Crafted Leadership

Stand 4 Kind 

Offers excellent personalized training nationwide around issues of bullying, suicide prevention and campaigns for kindness - often free to schools.

Stand 4 Kind

Gender Spectrum 

Offers excellent training in understanding gender identity for professionals working with youth and how it affects their work. 

Professional Development and Training - Gender Spectrum


This program has been proven to be 98% effective. It is not yet in the US but we can ask for it. Contact your state suicide prevention coordinator, congressperson, and ask that they bring it to the US!! 

 KiVa Antibullying Program

Research article about the efficacy of this program:

Successful anti-bullying program identified by UCLA | University of California